One to One Coaching


Karl has been coaching for over 30 years and his clients have ranged from Elite athletes, TV personalities to General public.

Karl has developed a system of training and nutrition that his unique to him and because his system is so unique every potential client must undertake a comprehensive Consultation to ascertain if they can follow the approach karl employs.

Afterall it is not everyone’s cup of tea and that is why Karl insists on meeting up with any potential client prior to working with them so that they can get a deeper understanding of his system.



WPF World 65kg Bodybuilding Champion

3 x Welsh Open 65kg Champion

EPF Open 65kg Champion

South of England EFBB 70kg champion

3rd Dan Kickboxing


BSc Hons Degree Sports Therapy

Spinal Manipulation Cert (John Gibbons Oxford university)

Shoulder rehab Cert (John Gibbons oxford university)

Advanced Gym Instructor

Advanced personal Trainer

Kinetic Chain Assessor (Dax Moy Academy)


If you like what you hear and wish to work under the tutelage of karl he will book you in for your first session. This is a fact-finding session that includes postural analysis, Bodyfat analysis, Discussion about your potential nutrition/training plan and overall approach to achieving the desired results, pre-determined by your personal goals.

  • If your goal is weight loss, Karl will require a 7-day food diary to design the best diet plan for you. 
  • There will be an in depth questionnaire to fill in, so that Karl can get a deeper understanding of you as an individual and your personal goals.

Choose your route

- One to One Prices

  • One session 45 minutes £35.00


    - Personalised Nurition Plan


    • Your plan will be designed around YOU. A full questionnaire will be sent over to you and a 7-day food diary will be required to help access your current dietary regime. 

    • Do not worry, all will be explained in your consultation and any questions you have will be answered in full.


    All payments are to be made in advance to guarantee your PT slot.

    Clients must arrive on time for their session. Arriving late will mean the time is taken off your allocated session time.

    Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!